Funding sources

 Track record and projections

Financial chart


One month distinguish collaborative programme £1500

URIS Summer Internship: 8 weeks fully paid £200/week (total £1600)


3 years collaborative project funded by Shanghai Government and Municipal Corporation in collaboration with East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST): Total budget 0.5 Million CHN

£2000 URIS Summer Internship


3 years collaborative project funded by UKIERI and University Grants Commission (UGC), India  in collaboration with Hosokawa Micron Ltd., UK, University of Delhi and VP Chest Institute, Delhi, India: Total budget £215477.


£11495 by British Council, UK under the UKIERI project dissemination activity

£15970 from 1st International Symposium:

£2000 URIS Summer summer Internship


School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences HEFCE strategic research fund 2014-15: £8.5K

£2000 Summer summer Internship


2 years collaborative research project with Peking University China, funded by Shenzhen Government, China: Total budget RMB 800K of which UCLan’s part is RMB300K

2 years collaborative project funded by UKIERI and Department of Science and Technology (DST), India  in collaboration with Tata Chemicals Ltd. India and Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India along with Feedwater Ltd. UK: Total budget £144000

£2000 Summer summer Internship


RSC instrument grant for magnetic hyperthermia, £14.96K as a part of a larger project (£55K)

School of Forensic and Investigative strategic research fund for REF 2014: £4.5K


UCLan Summer Intern scheme: £2K

Royal Society of Chemistry small research grant: £1.94K (05th December 2011)


Q-Bioanalytic, Germany, Partial PhD studentship: £15K (2011-2013) Date of award Sept’11

UCLan China Collaborative Research Grant £108.3K (2011-2014) funded by UBTSL, Shenzhen and Fudan University

Royal Society of Chemistry small research grant : £2K (date of award 12th December 2010)

International Studentship Grant for PhD: £15K (2011-2014)

UCLan Summer Intern scheme: £2K


EU Framework VI (Kent-UCLan): £20K (date of award November 2009)

UCLan research equipment (RED) funding to buy mercury porosimeter: £55K

 UCLan summer Internship: £3K

UCLan travel bursary scheme: £0.5K


UCLan Summer internship: £2.5K

Nuffield Foundation: £1.2K (June’09)

Arnoux PhD bursary scheme: £12.5K

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